Sickness! Drama! Intrigue!

Well, things are never, ever boring here at the NotCalm household.  Willow added on to her already impressive medical history last night by having a febrile seizure.  She was feverish, so I gave her a dose of ibuprofen (the tylenol hadn’t brought it down earlier) and within a few seconds of that, she began shaking.  All afternoon she said that she felt like she was going to throw up, so at first I thought that was what was happening.  When I saw that she was having a seizure, I moved us from the couch to the floor and held her in my lap, face down.  John called 911, while I completely lost my usual calm-in the-face-of-terror skills.  Her entire body, including all her facial muscles, were twitching and seizing so violently that she was drooling, foaming at the mouth, and unable to breathe.  Her eyes rolled back in her head and she was completely non-responsive to my voice. 

I thought that she was going to die in my arms. 

On the advice of the dispatcher, I put her down on her side.  I think the seizure lasted about seven minutes, and even after the major part of it had passed, she twitched and couldn’t talk to us.  The fire department came first, then the paramedics.  By the time everyone arrived, she was laying quietly on her back, breathing and obviously exhausted.  They had John get her car seat, and then put her car seat on the gurney.  She rode in the back of the ambulance, I rode up front, and John followed us. 

She seems totally fine today, though still feverish.  Lex stayed in bed all day with a 103 fever, and I’ve got a pretty good one going, too, which is uncommon for me.  Unwelcome, too.  I’m going in a few minutes to take Willow in for another visit, just to make sure she’s on the mend.  Nate and Lex are crashed out in their room, so I suppose that Nate is sick as well.  Guess we’ll all stay home in the rain tomorrow and have soup and hot baths.

The intrigue?  I deposited a (large!) check on Saturday and the bank (we’ll call it Hell’s Cargo) has no record of the transaction.  Lovely.  I think that it will get straightened out tonight or tomorrow, but it was still not what I wanted to deal with this morning.  I’m a little shell shocked, to put it mildly. 

Hmmm.  Suddenly not all that intriguing. More like just something to complain about.  Until I find out if we have to pay for the ambulance ride. . .

21 thoughts on “Sickness! Drama! Intrigue!

  1. Sheryl

    Oh my gosh how terrifying! So glad she’s okay. Keep us posted about how she’s doing. I hope Hell’s Cargo pulls their head out.

  2. Sue

    Wow. I hope things get better soon.

    Banks. I sent my brother in law a $2500 loan – all my money – and the bank posted it TWICE, thus causing me to be way overdrawn. Nice.

  3. weaker vessel

    Wow, which astrological anomaly or cosmic curse could be to blame for a febrile seizure and disappearing funds in one overly exciting weekend?

    Breathe, sister-friend. Deep, deep breaths supplemented by red wine.

  4. marian

    Good Lord! I’m so sorry to hear about Willow’s seizure (utterly terrifying) but very happy that she’s doing better now and the resident illness seems somewhat manageable. Barely, perhaps, but as always you are the tower of strength. Hope today’s day of soup and hot baths is a better one, with everyone on the mend.

  5. Christy

    Poor sweetie! It is always so sad when little kids are sick – even just throwing up – because it has to be so scary and confusing. They have no way of knowing what is happening to them. I am glad to hear she is better and it’s not an indication of anything more serious. Get well everyone!

  6. JerriAnn

    I know exactly how you feel my daughter has now had 3 febral seizures. It’s heart wrenching. I saw you site on blogging baby. I’m at

  7. Dixie

    My oldest nephew had the same thing happen to him when he was about 2 1/2. Scared me to pieces to see him like that.

    He’s 22 now so I reckon it didn’t have any lasting ill effect.

    Hope Willow and the rest of the kids are doing better now. And I hope you jerked a knot into that bank!

  8. mamadaisy

    how scary for everyone! i started reading your post this morning, but because of internet problems i didn’t get to read below the cut for several hours — i was worried! glad miss willow is doing a little better today. sorry everyone has the ick at the same time.

  9. jenny r

    Oh wow I couldn’t breathe the whole time I was reading that. And they wante her in the car seat even for the ambulance ride? Holy smokes. But I’m glad sweet precious angel beauty queen Willow is ok.

  10. shannon

    Oh mama, how scary!!!! (((Hugs))) Glad she’s all right now though. She’ll certainly have some stories to tell when she grows up. I’m up at this ridiculous hour because E has food poisoning….why are adult bodily fluids so much ickier to deal with then baby ones? (Hugs)

  11. GraceD

    Excuse me for one moment, Jen, while let loose this primal scream:


    Holy cowmoly, sweet tapdancing Jesus H. Christ on a crutch! I go away from the Internet for a couple of days and look what happens. I’m never going offline again.

    Jen, you get this week’s Extreme Mothering Award. Screw that, you get the award for 2006.


  12. Marsha

    I can’t even imagine how terrified you must have been. I am really awful in extreme circumstances, looks like you really pulled yourself together and did a great job. I am so glad she is better.

  13. Mary

    Jen, how frightening! You know, I turn my back on your blog for one minute and all hell breaks loose. Poor sweet Willow… I’m so glad she’s feeling better now. I hope you feel better soon, too.

  14. Daria

    Oh my GOD how much I missed. Oh I know the shock is passed but still give Willow and Lex hugs and kisses from the stranger on the internet.
    The drama of bills is still to come of course. Keep us updated if they give you a problem.


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