
I am so tired that when I noticed two little parallel nearly healed scratches on the inside of my forearm this afternoon, I thought, If I told the right few people that these were the marks where they’d implanted the microchips in me, I’d earn myself a very quiet vacation.

I then went for the healthier daydream approach. It went a liitle like this:

Someday I’ll drop all the kids off at school. I will come home, drink coffee and read the paper. Then, I will garden and clean the house. After that, I will make lunch and sit down to read and write and blog. Then, I’ll go pick up the kids, hang out with them, and cook a great meal that they will all eat. John will get home from work in time to join us. After dinner the kids will clean up, happily (because I’m fantasizing) and competently. Then they’ll all sleep in their own beds and they won’t pee in them and I’ll get to curl up with John for the night, ’cause there are no night jobs in my pretend future. And I will listen to NPR and I’ll knit and sew and grow sterling silver roses without killing them. And I’ll maybe have one or two Bengal Cats.

But really, I think that when all the kids are in school I’ll probably have a job! Maybe I can put it off and have a few days like that first. Maybe we could breed Bengals. Hmmmm, more daydreaming.

3 thoughts on “Daydream

  1. Rachael

    That was a beautiful dream. It’s good to know despite how things are going. That we can still have that special time to think of how it could be.

  2. Juby

    Hey, no one told that cat that stripes and spots don’t go together! 🙂

    Lovely daydream, I do much the same sometimes, with 4 between 9 and 4 – only ONE MORE YEAR! Whee!!! *grin*


    P.S. I’m going to have to e-mail you, I’ve been lurking for a while, and our backgrounds are just … strikingly similar, tho my “John” didn’t stick around for the coupley part. I’m happily envious of you, really. 🙂

  3. jenijen

    Aren’t you friends with Elayne? Did you have the blog that looked like a notepad and you took a break (right when I started reading)? Is that you?? Four between 9 and 4. Wow. Do you have twins? How many questions can I ask?!!


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