Well, I’ve had longer days, but this is technically the longest day this year. At some point, early this morning I guess, I turned into a salmon and spent the rest of the day slowly getting through the things I needed to. Barely. Didn’t even get to some things.
I just checked what time the sun sets and decided that within the next half hour (or so) I am going to toss some toys and snacks into a bag, grab a couple of blankets and my camera, several sweaters and possibly a frisbee, and get this family to the beach to watch the sun set over the pacific. The kids may bicker, but I’m feeling a strong need to make a memory for them. To go be near the waves. To feel insignificant and also connected.
Happy Solstice.
edited to add
i think the pacific might have impressed my son more today than the lame excuse for a body of water a reservoir makes.
i tried to make a memory but all i got was sadness for not having an ocean or a great lake nearby.
inhale some pacific goodness for me.
damn, girl. CALL me next time, wouldja?xxg
damn, girl. CALL me next time, wouldja?xxg
damn, girl. CALL me next time, wouldja?xxg
What a great idea. Happy Solstice!
i have a click problem.
Beautiful. 🙂