I was cleaning up/looking for my Poppa’s old Land Camera (it’s here, but I’m not sure exactly where I stashed it) because I found two packs of black and white Fuji peel apart film. It expired in 2011, but since they don’t make it anymore, and probably never will again, that’s kind of it. There’s this, but my photo skills don’t merit the price (plus I think it’s hard to get). I’d love to plan out some photos with this precious Fuji film it if it’s still any good. ?
While I was looking for the Land Camera, I found my old Sony Handycam and a box of 21 Hi8 tapes, I think from around the time Alex was born in 1996 or so until the early 2000s. I’m pretty sure I’ve never watched any of them, so I charged up the Handycam to see what was there, and Oh, my heart. The first tape I put in was from maybe 2007. The kids (Sophie + the boys) were doing a summer theatre camp at the park, and I’d taped a performance that I have no memory of. Not even a little bit. But it’s very cute and Willow’s in it, too, saying she didn’t like the show. Then Willow and Sophie and I watched one from Christmas of 2003, the year Willow was born, and a little bit of her first birthday party that next February. Watching them made me feel like I was in a down elevator with no bottom, you know? And kind of depressed, but also really happy. I don’t know, it’s a lot. Time went too fast. I’m getting a little device that will let me convert them to digital, so maybe this will become a bit of a mom blog again?