NaBloPoMo, day two: Back away from the Google

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I’ve been really, really ill for a couple of weeks.  Today I had a(nother) set of labs drawn, and I have the results (thanks, Kaiser website) but haven’t talked to my doctor yet.  So, NATURALLY, I’ve been Googling those results and my symptoms.  Worst-case scenario is that my immune system is attacking my stomach lining, interfering with my ability to absorb B-12 and giving me what’s called pernicious anemia, which feels exactly like that all sounds how it would feel – if that’s what is going on.

Let’s hope not, okay?

I was hoping that I’d have some great news by now about how the naturopath helped me to feel better, but so far I am way worse than I was last month.  I’m sticking to the diet she’s recommended (no meat, dairy, eggs, gluten, broccoli & its cruciferous friends, caffeine, or alcohol), but had to ditch the probiotics she put me on because they unleashed some sort of unholiness into my belly.  Which, you know, if you want to find a bright side here, means that I don’t care that I can’t eat anything good because I don’t want to eat anything at all.  I have cheated on the diet a little bit, and it’s kind of a weird thing, but with major stomach pain and intense nausea for the past two weeks, one thing that helps me feel better is a cold beer.  Just one.  I’ve only had maybe three or four in two weeks, and she didn’t exactly forbid beer, she just told me to keep it to twice a week or less.  But, yeah, beer as medicine.

Last weekend Scuba and I had reservations to stay in Carmel, and even though I felt terrible, I decided to go and just rest.  Sophie ended up coming with us, and we had a great time, despite me.  He got in a dive while Sophie played in the surf at Lover’s Point and I stretched out on the beach and didn’t barf.  Then we went to see the Monarch butterflies that winter in Pacific Grove.  If you ever get the chance to visit in late October, it’s stunning.  I didn’t bring my camera this time, but I got some shots last year when we were there.  This time we only stayed for about ten minutes. 

Sunday after we checked out of the hotel (where Scuba and I watched Jackass after Sophie fell asleep and OMG I was so repulsed and entertained at the same time I don’t know what to make of myself) we went a little bit south to Big Sur and visited my favorite California beach, Pfeiffer Beach.  I hadn’t been there in ages, since the boys were little.  On the Friday before we went to Carmel, Scuba had the day off work and went on a long motorcycle ride, ending up in Big Sur.  He started telling me about this incredible beach he went to, and I started filling in the details about the road that leads to it.  He loves it as much as I do, so we went back together.  I felt really bad the whole time, especially in the car, where just having the seatbelt go across my stomach was unbearable, but I figured it’s better to feel like hell in one of the most beautiful places there is than at home in bed. 

I brought my Poppa’s Land Camera and let Sophie take a lot of photos.  Turns out, she’s really good:




The scans aren’t super great, especially of that last one with the yellow flowers.  Anyway, it was the best sick day I’ve ever had.  Scuba even bought me a new hat on our way to the beach.

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I need to get healthy so I can enjoy this amazing life I have. 

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