You know it’s a party when your tongue turns blue

SG’s cousin graduated from college, so we dropped by to wish her well
and visit with his family.

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On our way out the door, I remembered to grab my camera, which is happy because we had a really good day.

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We came close to spending the day inside, clearing out closets and cleaning up bedrooms.  Instead SG rescued us and we had prime rib and sunshine and beer and HORSES!  This one is CJ (Captain Jack).

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Look!  More than five minutes in a row with no fighting.  Bliss.

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I get kind of weird about photographing people who aren’t my kids, so I mostly have photos of them. 

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And the dog.

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But here’s SG and Lex, talking about something.  Probably Lex is telling SG about a show he watched on Hulu.  Something funny.

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And here’s SG holding Willow upside down over some horse poop.  Which she loved, of course.

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All the kids rode bareback around the yard, slowly. 

That’s one of SG’s cousins, D.  Yes.  She really is that tall.  That’s one of her horses, Maverick.

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D and her mom, also D, took the kids over to the neighbors’ house to meet a couple of donkeys, but I didn’t go with.  Instead I sat in the sun on the patio and had a beer next to SG while he worked on a paper for school.  I appreciate being lazy whenever I can squeeze it in.

I think Sophie had a good time. 

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Maverick tried to eat Willow’s cowboy hat, which was pretty funny.

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I love SG’s family.  They always make us feel welcome and loved, even though I’m bringing along four kids. 

None of us want the weekend to end, especially me. 

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4 thoughts on “You know it’s a party when your tongue turns blue

  1. Anonymous

    SGGGGGGGG!!! I know you didn’t post any pictures of yourself, but Girl, love looks damn good on you!

  2. Kellee

    I just love when extended families combine so seamlessly. Also? I love when I stop by and get the awesome surprise of a brand new header for you! 🙂


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