The other night I was google chatting with Jenny. (Umm, apparently I curse a lot?)
mei have to get my kids’ halloween costumes together TOMORROW
Three: Oh!
me: so they can go to a party friday at 3
Three: They are all going to be bums!
me: i FUCKING hate halloween
9:50 PM Three: You are all going as bags of groceries!
Or! Trash@!
They are all trash@!
What is up with the@ sign.
You could make them smurfs.
Blue eyeshadow in bulk
And red pants.
Or wait. White.
White pants.
me: they have SPECIFIC ideas about what they will wear
9:51 PM very
Three: Oh ho.
me: fucking
totally subject to change
Three: Well, that’s too bad. Hobos.
me: at any moment
Three: Here’s your stick with a bandana tied on it.
me: crisco & coffee ground beard, kids!
Three: That’s right.
me: omg
sophie would be the cutest hobo ever
Three: I know!
9:52 PM And the boys?
So cute.
me: alex is going to be a ghost
nathan has an elaborate idea mostly based on things we already have
Three: Sheet + bowtie around neck = awesome ghost.
me: but he wants me to alter them in impossible ways
Three: Oh, of course.
9:53 PM You can make him a "grunge" rock star if hobo is too uncool.
Same costume.
Minus the bandana on a stick.
me: he MUST have a sword and sythe
and wear his scream mask
9:54 PM Three: Well.
That’s pretty damn picky.
me: i know
you are so damn funny
Three: Lucy has been changing up her costume ideas for weeks.
9:55 PM me: soph too
now she wants to wear willow’s ladybug costume
Three: She has a fairy costume, but now wants to be a Mage, like from World of Warcraft at night, and a black cat during the day.
I’m like, look over there! It’s a HOBO costume
me: i am going to run to old navy tomorrow at lunch and see if they have any more
soph wants to wear several as well
9:56 PM Three: Dude, what the hell?
It’s Halloween not a fashion show.
This was our practice run, so the beard (Hello Kitty body lotion + Peet’s Coffee) is a little wonky. She’ll have to lose the crucifix earrings, but she’s got the plaid flannel shirt and bandanna on a stick. I even talked her into using a giant empty pineapple juice can as a candy bag. She came up with a sign that says "Give me candy. I am a HOBO."
Thanks, Jenny!
Coffee beard – whatever next!!! Looks good though lol
Ha! I WIN!