That’s me. Things are going to be very busy for me starting, oh, NOW. I couldn’t be happier, but truth be told I’m nervous, too. Before too long I will be contributing to this web site, and, I’m also taking on another behind-the-scenes job for an organization I truly respect and admire. (They already said I could work for them, so that’s not ass-kissing.)
I’ve been drinking half-caf coffee, but I think those days are over. Since I’ll be getting a paycheck, I’m going to do it right.
(Did the girls crack those eggs for ya?)
congrats to you on the paycheck!
how’s the new camera? do you love it?
Yes! Congratulations, Jen. Very happy for you! Yours is a voice that should be heard more widely.
Congratulations on the paying gigs!! You deserve it!
Yay! Congratulations on your new gig!
Yay! Blogging Baby’s going to happen!
Excellent. You are one of my favorite writers and I think your work should be everywhere.
Bravo to you, good woman.
Brava, chica! What super news. You’re a terrific writer and I’m happy to see that being acknowledged.