Well, hey, it’s one of those online quiz things. I got this one from Veggie Mama.
No. I think it was one of the few my parents agreed on.
I did. It worked!
4. When did you last cry?
Today when I called to make Willow an appointment at the urgent care clinic to check out her ears (I have an otoscope, and they’ve been pink for about ten days, and she acts like they bug her. I don’t think they’re infected. But, if they are, after this long it’s probably bacterial and not viral, so I called.) and found out that her health coverage ended on January 31 (she’s on a medi-cal plan, which is like medicaid). I’ll try and get it figured out tomorrow.
When it’s neat I do. Lately it’s not so neat.
6. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
Veggie bacon.
7. What is your birth date?
8. What is your most embarrassing CD?
Hmmm. Probably the Spandau Ballet stuff I can’t seem to part with but also can’t listen to.
Some days, yes.
10. Are you a daredevil?
When no body else is at risk, I can be.
11. Early morning, or late at night?
I take what I can get.
12. Do looks matter?
Yes. But, what you do with what you got is more important that what you got.
I think it’s all stuck in my neck.
14. Where is your second home?
I like to hide in the bathroom and read, does that count?
Yes. Dumb, maybe, but I expect people to live up to it.
16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
Raggedy Ann. I still have her, but she’s really worn. Her eye is missing and her dress literally fell apart.
17. Which class in high school do you think was totally stupid?
Driver’s ed. Mostly because the girl who sat near me always sang that stupid stupid song, "I wanna be a cowboy" or was it cowgirl?
18. Do you have a journal?
I haven’t written in a paper journal in a long time, just this one.
Yes, my kids even say -sarcastically, of course- "I love the sarcasm, Mom.".
20. What are your nicknames?
The group I hung out with 10+ years ago called me Little Jeni. I can’t think of any now, except my friend D calls me Jenijen.
21. Would you bungee jump?
No, my hands are usually full.
23. Do you think that you are strong?
24. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
I love the peppermint/vanilla with chocolate in it at our local independent shop. Also Bluebell pralines and cream which is sadly not available in California.
25. Shoe size?
26. Red or pink?
27. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
I don’t always practice what I preach. I preach a lot.
28. Who do you miss most?
I miss lots of people and one cat. I miss my boys as babies.
I’m not sending it, but you should answer the questions, too!
30. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?
Pink pants with fortune cookies and bowls of rice on them (pjs) and red slipper socks.
Crickets in the scorpion and tarantula cage, the humming computer.
A chocolate chip cookie I baked earlier. I’m currently drinking some ginsing peppermint tea.
Cornflower blue.
34. What is the weather like right now?
middle of the night rainy
My mom.
I like strong arms and purty eyes.
I took it from Veggie mama, who I hope to someday meet. I like her lots.
38. What is your ethnicity?
Welsh, English, Russian (I think), Cherokee, French? My family has been in the US a long long time, so I think I’m just ‘Merican. I’m an eighth generation Texan, so that probably trumps anything else. None of my kids were born in Texas. I stopped the insanity!
Right now I’m on a tea kick. I like Peet’s lemon rose, and this republic of tea ginsing peppermint that I’m drinking.
40. Favorite sport?
Cooking while talking on the phone.
Dark brownish with a teeny bit of red. Getting really depressingly grey, though.
42. Eye color?
43. Do you wear contacts?
44. Are you single?
45. Favorite food?
I never say no to sweet coconut rice with mango that they serve for dessert in Thai restaurants.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. . . and Spring
New years or easter
happy endings
49. Summer or winter?
winter BUT it does not snow here and we have no A/C.
50. Hugs or kisses?
they are inseperable
One is that everyone takes me for granted. Isn’t that original?? I hate it when the media picks on mothers.
52. What is your favorite dessert?
The mango thing
Sounds like a new high school year book award!
54. Who is most likely not to respond?
55. What books are you reading?
I’m between, but have a big stack to get to. Can’t wait to get my mitts on the newest Ayun Halliday.
X-Girl. But it’s upside down because the rougher side works better with this old busted mouse.
We don’t have cable, so just the movie.
58. Favorite smells?
Lavender, peppermint, my babies’ breath, fresh picked lemon, coffee brewing. . .
59. Favorite sounds?
The kids giggling, brewing coffee, all the kids snoring and breathing deeply.
61. What’s the farthest you’ve been from home?
I’m a multitasking champion. If I could knit and read I’d be so very happy.