So, someone in Missouri nominated me for a Blogger’s Choice Award, which totally flatters me almost as much as it makes me laugh. Hottest MommyBlogger? Dude, I know some of the women on the list (Chris Jordan, Grace Davis, Heather Armstrong, Karen Rani, Jenny Lauck, Melissa Summers, Mrs. Eden Marriott Kennedy, Badgermama, and probably a few others, but I couldn’t click through all 61 pages which are filled with multiple nominees) and my hotness doesn’t even begin to compare. Of course, I will still encourage you to click on that button (top right sidebar >>>) and vote for me, because I’m feeling pretty down lately and it’ll make me feel good if I get a few votes. I’ll be able to feel better, because the numbers will be telling me to. (see previous post, and speaking of the previous post, here’s a couple shots for Eve:)
I was complaining to a friend that I gained five pounds overnight, and the only thing I’d done was eat a little salt. Know what my friend said? You eat healthy food, you get lots of exercise. THROW AWAY THE SCALE AND QUIT WORRYING.
I don’t think I’m there yet, but I am not above taping the nice messages and low numbers to the scale. Or, apparently, trolling for compliments.
WTF??? Is that spam or some psychopath?
Anyway. Love the post-its.
Tracey is talking about a LONG rambling (yet, somehow, fascinating) comment that I deleted. I hope the guy will still vote for me.
I’m in love with your scale–what with the orange and the white enamel…lovely. As are you! Off to vote!
I threw my scale away once and then before trash day went and got it back out. It’s a sickness.
my scale is in the closet with LOTS of stuff on top of it. much too heavy to lift to get out.
(enjoyed your flickr photos too)
I totally know how this feels. I am now 46 and all of a sudden – whammo! Salt sensitivity. And yes, I still weigh myself every freaking day. Because I feel like it. And then I eat whatever I feel like. Because I feel like that also. .
I actually found that if I eat less meat and chicken, the salt thing hits me less hard.
And don’t throw the cute little scale away!! Take it apart, superglue a little string to it and some wheels, put some eyes on it, and … voila!! A new toy! We did this to our humidifier and loved it.
great post … admittedly scattered comment, but hey
Umm, does your scale really say “LITHIUM” on it?
Eve — I bought the cheapest scale they had at tarjay, and I do LOVE orange. It does say LITHIUM, in reference to the battery. (I think! I thought it was funny, too, especially given that it ended up in my bathroom)
Chris — I’ve totally checked you out, honey. You look fabulous. Not “for a mom of seven kids” either. JUST FABULOUS
Autumn –You are smart about your scale, and YOUR pictures are GREAT! Thanks for stopping by
Kate! Great idea to make the scale a toy. And I love svmoms. Happy to see you here!