Just keep swimming. . .

Halloween04ciao There we are on Halloween.  John is the bug guy and next to him is my little brother.  The picture was taken by the beloved Ciao and his wife. 

One thing I keep meaning to write down.  Sophie and I made cookies and everyone, mostly Nate, ate tons of them as they were cooling.  After I felt that everyone, Nate really, had had enough, enough being nine or ten, ahem, I put plastic wrap over the plate of cookies and turned out the kitchen light.  Nate came to me from the kitchen a few minutes later, clearly alarmed.  "MOM!  There’s some kind of force field over the cookies!!"

And finally, the present. 

John is either near or in Seattle about now.  He and his brother and their friend (who is getting a little exposure here) took the train up to perform in Seattle and later in Portland  (look for the sat dec 11th date) with some other friends.  I really miss him, especially at times like this:  It’s 8:45 and I should have put the children to bed an hour ago.  But, my sister and her boyfriend came by (had a fresh, homemade (SCRATCH) brownie, gave me 2 vneck, 1 turtleneck and 2 reallyreally cute hooded cardigans which are my favorite kind –one black and one a sort of lavender my favorite colors to wear, bought (wouldn’t not pay me) some magnets and ornaments, and threw the girls up and down lots of times) and we got a little behind.  So, even though it’s bedtime and then some, I figured since I was able to go pee *all by myself* that I could sneak in a much-needed three minute shower.  Like I said it’s 8:45.  The kids are ready for bed and are watching a dvd.  The girls are bathed and in underpants (Sophie) and diaper (Willow) which is one thing more than either of them wants to wear even though it is December and I only put the heat at 65.  Okay, it’s 8:45, the shower is running, I’m not clothed.  I slide the shower door open and little Willow pops her head into the bathroom and says "HI!" 

Hmmmmmmm, I think.  She’s ditched her diaper.  What is that on her hands?  And on her arms and chest and legs and neck and shoulders??  What did I leave out that’s yellow??  OH NO!! 

Oh yes.  Poop.  Yellow smelly poop.  If I had a clue I would have just scooped her up and brought her into the shower with me.  But, I carried her to the other bathroom and put her in the tub.  I ran back for my robe and told the other kids to look out for poop.  I cleaned her up, cleaned the tub, cleaned the (miracle of miracles) only two places (at least that I could find. . . ) where there was poop on the carpet, rediapered her and snuck off to shower.  Be proud of me now; we all five got into bed at 9 and read The Dandelion Seed and chapters 3-5 of Lemony Snicket’s The Hostile Hospital.  I don’t look forward to waking them all up in the morning.  They will be cranky. 

I think that I am suffering from severe sleep deprivation.  This morning I had an appointment at a place I have been to at least one hundred times.  No, more.  I have lived in this area for almost 24 years, and have been driving here since I was 17.  That’s half my life.  On the way, I hit nasty traffic due to a downed power line, so I took a right turn one light ahead of my planned turn, thinking that I’d later turn left and get back where I needed to be.  Only, the intersection I was hoping to turn at does not, and never has, exist.  Existed.  Whatever.  I wasn’t lost, per se, but I had to call my mom and have her talk me back to where I needed to be.  Try as I might, my brain could not connect the roads and I had no idea how to get there.  I still feel so totally lame.  The doctor was nice about me being late, though she did make a point before she walked in to see me, of saying to the nurse, "You didn’t tell them that I have a late patient and that’s why I’m late???  You didn’t tell them the patient was late??  I’m late because the patient is late and you didn’t tell them??"  So, I said to her, "I’m so sorry to be late, I know it really fouls up the schedule."  And she told me that she was nearly late this morning because someone was in her ususal parking place, but that she parallel parked with inches to spare in front and back and we marvelled together at her parking abilities.  So, it was cool. 

And thanks again to my mom for taking the morning off work so I could go. 

Tomorrow I have to drag all the kids to drop Lexy off at school and be back in time to meet the boy that I babysit.  It looks like I’m going to be adding another boy to the lineup, which is great.  Keeps Nate happy and busy and we so need the cash right now.

I ought to go sleep a little, though when I have to get up earlier than usual and do more than usual when I do get up, I find it hard to sleep.  Like I sleep anyway!  Ha!

2 thoughts on “Just keep swimming. . .

  1. elayne

    I have just in the past few weeks started wearing makeup again – part of the “look good, feel good” philosophy, I guess, except I still don’t look all that good, but whatever.

    Anyway, thanks to you and Nate and that damned force field over the cookies, I now have mascara down to my jawline. And sore stomach muscles from laughing my everloving ass off. You give that kid a hug, and another cookie, and tell him I said thanks for the giggle.


  2. elayne

    I have just in the past few weeks started wearing makeup again – part of the “look good, feel good” philosophy, I guess, except I still don’t look all that good, but whatever.

    Anyway, thanks to you and Nate and that damned force field over the cookies, I now have mascara down to my jawline. And sore stomach muscles from laughing my everloving ass off. You give that kid a hug, and another cookie, and tell him I said thanks for the giggle.



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