One of the many fun things about being in Barcelona was seeing all the street art. True, some of it was barely a step above vandalism, but more of it was creative and good.
The shops near where we stayed all had those metal pull-down doors to cover the storefronts when they were closed. Like a roll top desk top or garage door. If you are out late, or early, or on a Sunday, you’ll see paintings all over the place.
Here are a couple of my favorites. Oops. The kids are out of school. Better run!
Okay, back now. Here’s a link to more of these on flickr.
Between your hike photos and your Spain photos, I am really wishing I lived some place warm. Sigh. You’d think all this cozy time would be good for writing my novel-in-a-month, but that’s not happening either. What’s wrong with this world of mine??