Quite spotty

Willow woke up this morning with an alarming rash that started on her neck and trunk and quickly made the rounds of the rest of her. I took her to the urgent care, stopping at my mom’s on the way for a sudafed because the flowering trees were making my eyes water and itch so badly I could hardly drive and Sophie was throwing a fit when I left home without her so I couldn’t go back. I showed Willow’s bumps to my mom and she said it looked like chicken pox. It did. Not watery blisters, but the shape of the rash.

I got to the urgent care and stood outside for a good twenty minutes or so (no rashy folk in the waiting room!) before we were put into an exam room. I spent the twenty minutes babbling and singing to Willow that she was a measle weasel, because the nurse said she looked “measlely.” We weighed her and !!!!! she gained a pound over the last ten days. That bodes well for feeding tube removal, I think. The doctor walked in and right away was able to diagnose not chicken pox and not measles, but a rash from the amoxicillin that she’d finished over 24 hours earlier (a ten day dose) for last week’s ear infection. So now when I make those multiple trips to the doctor with her next week I can say, “penicillin,” when they ask if she’s allergic to any medicines.

We did go to the museum. It was great to get out and specifically to go there. All the kids had fun playing at the water exhibit and Lexy got to make a corn husk superman. Willow played in the early childhood center, crawling about and playing with blocks and trains. We came home and I made dinner and we watched Tuck Everlasting. Later in the evening John and I got to sit on the couch and have a real honest conversation. We weren’t interrupted to clean up or pour or wipe anything. Yay!

2 thoughts on “Quite spotty

  1. deb

    We had that same situation and so did my niece. 24 hours after stopping the medicine a horrible rash came on. Isn’t that weird?

    Yay for weight gain! I hope she gets the tube out soon; I’m sure it’ll relieve your mind quite a bit.

  2. shannon

    What a growing girl!!! Good news, mama. Here’s good thoughts that the tube will be history soon! We’re all broken out here too, though I think some bugs in the latest bales of hay are to blame…


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