She gripes

School’s been in a week, and already two of the things I hate about it have made an appearance: we are all getting a cold, and the first fundraiser packet was sent home.  (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

This year I have THREE children selling wrapping paper and kitchen gadgets and chocolate teddy bears.  Three. of. them.  I wouldn’t mind the fundraising if the school actually got to keep a majority of the money raised.  Instead, a big chunk of it goes toward the prizes.  The damn prizes.  A chance to win an ipod!  Earn a plasma flat panel (whatever, I don’t know if that’s what it is called) television! 


How about, "Sell this stuff and raise money for your school."  And, when it’s over, how about an extra long recess and maybe a short assembly telling the kids all the cool stuff their school was able to do with the money.  And, "Hey, don’t you feel good that you helped make it happen, kids?"

I hate all this reward crap.  I hate it that they give out plastic toys for reading.  But, I’m not a teacher, and god knows how I’d get a bunch of ten year olds to do what I wanted them to.  I’m sure as hell not good at it here.

13 thoughts on “She gripes

  1. thebizofknowledge

    I stumbled upon this site as I was in the process of doing some online research. I was having an online discussion just yesterday regarding how unnecessary, and possibly harmful to constantly be rewarding children.

  2. 1girl2boys

    I never understood that either. I know they are trying to motivate the kids to sell more, it always works for my daughter, but it takes money away from the schools. Oh, and colds, yuck, I am so not ready for those.

  3. CJ

    Oh it gets better, huh? lol Great thanks for bursting that bubble! LOL my 3 year olds daycare sent one home with him and my 3 month olds class sent one home for him too! LOL And of course i’m gonna strap on my baby bjorn and take my infant all over asking for someone to buy coffee (12oz) for 12.00 anf of course a bucket of cookie dough! But I might have to make the baby walk if he doesnt do his part ! Morons!~

  4. capello

    It got to a point that I wouldn’t sell that crap, and I’m not going to make my kids do it either.

    The worst part it, I never knew what the money went for, we never saw new balls in gym class, new insturments in the music room, exciting art supplies — nada.

  5. javajabber

    I had all three kids bring that stuff home the first week of school. They are now in college and off on their own.

    I HATED the way the schools made the kids feel that if they didn’t sell at least “X” amount, they were failures. They were “letting their school down.”

    After about the first 3 years, I simply refused to make my kids sell this stuff — which was overpriced at that!

    AND, all our relatives were happy we didn’t make them buy that stuff under the pretense of a “familial obligation.”

    And I warned the school to NEVER, E.V.E.R. tell any of my kids they weren’t living up to their school’s expectations.

    Schools need money. I get that. But I can’t tell you how many parents actually let their 7 year old kids go door-to-door, UNATTENDED BY AN ADULT! To a Stranger’s House.

    Schools need to find alternative ways to get needed money, and certainly more than the measley 5% they get off selling this junk.

    (stepping off my soap box now)

  6. jenny

    steve uses the “high five” method with his kinder kids.

    Did well? Get a Mr. K HIGH FIVE! on the way out the door.
    Bad day? “No high five today, but maybe tomorrow we’ll have a good day, right?”

    I don’t know how he does it- the kids are so disappointed when they don’t get that high five on the way out the door they actually get their act together the next day (well, most of the time, he says). If I were 5 and didn’t receive a high five, i’d be all.. screw you, i don’t care!

  7. Amy

    I hate that strategy too. Waste of money and a poor example for our kids.

    If I don’t WANT any of the fundraising products I don’t buy. And I certainly don’t allow my kids to peddle them on anyone either.

  8. VancouverGurl

    such a good pt. it’s sad to see all the kids’ efforts go to prizes and that money could’ve been better spent.

  9. marian

    I hated that too, and finally refused to do it. I’d just refuse. I’d write a check to the school for whatever they were trying to raise funds for and opt out. I didn’t want my kid going door to door selling CRAP for one thing, and for another that’s not how I wanted him to spend his after-school time, nor did he want to.

    Plus, they blinkin’ reward kids for EVERYTHING to the point where nothing means anything any more!

  10. pamela hornik

    Love your post- we have three school auctions, one that I am in charge of- ugh. I refuse to buy wrapping paper from all the schools, and hate the rewards. I begged our PTA to not have the stupid rewards, you need to sell a billion rolls of wrap or too many chocolate santas, crazy- I think we should all just do what we can to support the schools,whatever that may be. It would save volunteers time, and we would not have all those damn fliers in a pile in the kitchen.

  11. PattM

    Late to the party–but, I HATE the fundraiser, not just for school, but for other activities. Every year (as the PTO tries to recruit me), I offer to give a donation of at least $50–directly to the PTO–and they refuse every time. My neighbor was the president that year and the school received 40% of the dollar amount sold. I was surprised at the percentage, but it still isn’t worth it. Besides, I had 3 kids in the same school and we have 8 kids on one block that go to the same school. I just pitch out (well, recycle) the fundraiser materials when they bring them home….


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