I’ll be the one with the poison oak rash all over her face (so! attractive!!) and neck and legs. Probably other places by then, too, but I’m trying to not think about that.
Oh, I’ll also be the only one without a laptop.
Good things do happen as well, though. Yesterday I went to Tarjay to get a new microwave and I found one ON SALE that came with a free little am/fm radio thingie for the kitchen AND IT HAS AN IPOD DOCK ON TOP! Score! It even charges it up!! Of course, I cannot plug the ipod into the computer because itunes is still funky, and currently empty, and if I hook up the ipod it will come away empty and then I’ll only be able to listen to NPR while I cook and do dishes. But, maybe that would smarten me up some.
Hey! I went to Target today, too. The one in Ventura, their sock section sucks.
OH NO! you will NOT be the only one at Blogher without a laptop! well, you will the first day, nothing i can do about that – but not the second day when i join you!
we can sit together and pass notes in LONGHAND!
No laptop here, either. I blew the laptop budget on the babysitter.
I can’t wait to see you again at BlogHer.
You may be the one with poison ivy, but I’ll be the one with the COLD SORE the size of AFRICA on my lip.
So, so attractive.
I also don’t have a laptop – hey hey! 🙂