writing well is the best revenge. Except when you have to go back and delete it because you don’t want to be sued. *Ahem* I am officially in a new demographic today (meaning I left the 18-34 one behind) and I gave my boys permission to call me their old lady. They don’t want to. Aren’t they sweet?
Yesterday was good, and hopefully tomorrow will be too. Today was sorta pissy, but I’ve had worse. My Houston family is getting set to evacuate to higher ground. I was there during hurricane Alicia many years ago. We built a cool street windsail thing out of my brother’s old skateboard, a long skinny piece of lumber, and a shower curtain. We flew down the street before the rain came. In the middle of the night we stood in the open doorway and watched a very tiny, innocent looking tornado pop down out of the spooky green (and I mean GREEN) sky and tear off the neighbor’s second story balcony roof. Then, the little cute tornado spun that roof around a bit before dropping it into another neighbor’s driveway and thwapping it repeatedly against the car parked there. We ran across the street to tell them, and it was nearly impossible to make it in the wind. That was a category three hurricane, sixty miles inland. So, I’m glad that they plan to leave. One thing that really stands out though, was when the eye passed over. It was so quiet and clear and the birds came out and there was an amazing stillness. But we knew it would be brief, and the tail end of that thing kicked some serious ass. I know I’m staying up too late when I start to wonder if being 35 is similar to being in the eye of things. Because I hate those sorts of goofy analogies.
Happy Birthday, Jen!!
Happy Birthday! You are now officially in your prime. Woohoo! And what a fabulous birthday present you gave yourself.
Hope your family gets out ok and their house is intact when they return — it looks like it’s going to be a bad one.
Happy Birthday! Thinking of your family.
Happy Birthday !!
Thank you everyone!! I share a birthday with HG Wells and Larry Hagman. You have to respect that combination!
Happy birthday, Jen! I hope it’s a sweet, sweet day for you! I know for certain the best part of my life started when I turned thirty-five.
I’ll say a prayer for the safety of your family and for their property. Bless those folks in Texas, I hoping for the best for them all.
Are you thirty-five? I am so excited for you!!
Happy Birthday, you sweet young thang, you.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!
My dear, having seen you in person, you are the youngest 35 I think I have ever seen. Lovely!!!!! Have a great day!!!
Oh my! You are all far too good to me. Thanks!
Happy Birthday!
Happy (belated) Birthday, beautiful! I hope your day was full of joy.
happy birthday!
Have a wonderful birthday! It seriously gets better with every year.
Happy Happy! I hope that you had an amazing day. And look at that you have on your Fussy T-shirt, I just bought one last week and need to send her a picture.
I missed your birfday!! Happy happy. Here’s to the second 35! (I thought you were a lot younger than me for some reason, but only one year – I guess I just feel really old…)