Me to the boys, while suffering through the longest full-body-shudder imaginable: Uh, don’t go in the garage, when we were cleaning it out, we found (shuddering increases) poop from a rat. (at this point, I’ve got chills, too, and am madly brushing off my arms and legs and trying not to barf)
Nathan: Don’t worry mom, it could be a family of rabbits!
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Sophie, in the kitchen on her toy cell phone while I make myself scrambled eggs with spinach: Hello? Oh, hai! I can’t believe it’s you! *bats eyelashes* Mom, would you like to talk to (cups her hand around her mouth so her voice won’t go into the receiver) Tony Hawk?
Me: Why yes I would! (takes phone) Hi, Tony! Thank you so much for wearing a helmet while you skate and setting a good example for my kids!
x x x x x x x x x x x x
At the park with my extended family for Father’s Day, my mom asks Lex how many songs are on his iPod: Something like 20. I’m really into the old classic rock, like Blind Melon and Marcy Playground.
Me: ::blinkblink::
[Really? he’s got WAY more than 20 songs on there, unless he took some off. Also, it’s not the Sex&Candy song by Marcy Playground; I am not quite that laid back with my kids. It’s this one, about drugs, not sex! This is the Blind Melon song he likes, and I still heart that video. I was sure to snag the teachable moment and tell Lex that the lead singer died of a drug overdose.]
Ahh Shannon Hoon, what a talent, so sad.