The acupuncturist was nice and didn’t use needles. She recommended a few things that I’m trying, like fish oil and a special type of massage, and some things that I haven’t, like beef broth. Willow still is turning purple (like this morning. . . ) but it isn’t clear why. The acupuncturist says that her heart and lung chi are deficient. We also saw a medical intuitive, courtesy of my friend, K. What an interesting experience, even though the setting was too noisy to pay the close attention I’d have liked. I am still giving lots of thought to what she said. Something sort of funny (in my view) was that the tarot card that was drawn for Willow’s medical issues was Coyote, the Trickster. Yep. I hope he gets tired of his game soon and lets us know what is going on.
I have to go get the boys from school. They have been promised a trip to the book fair. I don’t have enough money on hand to get anything for the girls, though. I for see a big screaming fit. Maybe I can play with the girls on the play yard while the boys shop. I hope.
I just lost my connection to the Internet. The computer is dialing. Fingers crossed. It seems to be really hard to get and stay on line lately. Oh good, it’s back. time to run