
Originally uploaded by jenijen.


Traveling far like that is hard and I’m a big baby about it. I’m in Barcelona, but haven’t had a chance to get out and see anything much yet. So far, so amazing, though. It is beautiful here.

The day before I left, Willow had a stomach flu which Sophie has now and I had all the way across Europe. Now I can not only say that I’ve been to London (well, sort of) but that I barfed there, too. Many times!

I feel mostly better now, so I’m going to get up and out and see things.

6 thoughts on “England!

  1. mamadaisy

    woohoo! (for europe, not the puking).

    now that you’ve had a hideous stomach flu, WHILE TRAVELING, you can count it as penance for leaving the kiddos and consider your conscience completely clean and guilt-free.

    i hope you will have a fabulous time. enjoy every minute of it.

  2. eve

    Hey! I’ve barfed in London too!!

    I’m so thrilled for you. Living vicariously until I get there myself. Can’t wait for the pictures.

    Wooo hoooo!!

  3. mamasutra

    I’m so excited for you!!! I was thinking I was in Spain not so long ago, but it was actually 8 years ago! And I loved it! Get lots of good material for your novel!

  4. GraceD

    Barthh-e-lona! (as pronounced in my best Catalonian)

    Honey, you have the muy bestest time. Take a nap so you can go out for dinner at 10pm.

    Watch for pickpocketers!



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