and I’m okay with that.
I started this post four days ago and only got that first line done. All I was going to do was rant about how much I hate the mall, so you are spared my complaining. Seriously, though, the whole experience (I took Nathan to get a new ipod shuffle since his finally quit working after sometimes working after going through the wash) was so painful and headache-inducing that I cannot comprehend why people enjoy going there. Ick.
I’m leaving for Texas in a couple of hours. My cousin is getting married. She’s much younger than I am; I clearly remember her as a tiny baby, so I am feeling a little old. Of course, I am not nearly ready to go. Nathan woke up before 7 today and we played Mancala until it was time to get ready for school. Back with photos later. I HATE flying, so I’m going to go breathe into a paper bag for a little while.
Edited to add: My friend just picked up the girls, and instead of jumping up and down with happiness at the beginning of my five day break, I CRIED. I guess I do love them.