Jen is in the Hospital…

This is John, temporarily taking over Jen’s blog to let everyone know that Jen is in the hospital.  On Thursday morning she started feeling dizzy – the "I just stood up too quickly" sort of dizziness – but the feeling didn’t go away.  We went to the emergency room of the local county hospital, and they still haven’t completely figured out what is wrong with her.  She’s feeling a bit better now, but her EKG shows (or the doctors think it shows) that one of her ventricles isn’t functioning as well as they think it should be.  My (perhaps foolish) hopes of having her come home Thursday night were quickly dashed, as were any expectations of seeing her home on Friday when all of the cardiologists buggered off to play golf (or whatever it is that cardiologists do on weekends).  They’re planning a stress test (hooking her up to a monitor and having her run on a treadmill, or something like that) for her on Monday to see how her heart functions. 

We’re obviously hoping that this is all a big fuss over nothing.  I’ll update here (or hopefully Jen will) when we know more.


26 thoughts on “Jen is in the Hospital…

  1. meno

    Oh, that is upsetting. I too hope that it is much ado over nothing. Please tell her hi and give her a hug. I’ll be thinking of you.
    Thank you for letting us know.

  2. Suebob

    John – thanks for keeping us posted. I am sending my very best thoughts your way and I will put her in the prayer box at church (well, her name anyway).

  3. Amy

    I’m over here hoping it is nothing and she is taking the time to enjoy not cooking or cleaning 😉

    Hoping she is home and healthy ASAP. Sending all my positive thoughts and wishes,

  4. Dajamama

    Your family is in my thoughts. I hope she gets better soon. Jen is truly a special person, and that comes through clearly even though I’ve only known her through this blog, and that for a short time.

    May she soon be well.

  5. Lin

    It’s always frightening when health issues are taken out of one’s hands and that helpless, childlike feeling is hard to take as an adult. I know this has to be so frightening for all of you. You’re a strong, young woman, Jen and you will be fine. Wish I were closer to just offer some practical help with the children and the house, but know that I am sending very positive vibes from Topanga for a quick release and healthy report.

    xoxoxoxoxox kid…big hugs.


  6. FishyGirl

    Oh, I hope everything is okay. I have a heart condition that is annoying but not life threatening, but it was really scary before I was diagnosed. I also have a leaky valve, too, and it can make me real dizzy, but it is also fairly benign.

    I hope it is nothing, or at least only on the order of a slightly leaky valve.


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