
Lexycastsept04 Thanks for all the get well wishes for my guy. He’s finally feeling better after a few rough days. He still can’t use his left hand and needs lots of help, but hopefully as the swelling goes down he’ll have an easier time. I hate seeing my kids in so much pain. I was talking about it with him today and he looked at me and said that he did not want to talk about it. He’s still pretty shaken.

So, when I had to go to the G@p to get the kids’ lunch boxes (my boys started young with the brand name stuff. I know, don’t lecture me, I’m working on a plan) I noticed that all the newborn baby girl stuff has apples on it. Little sweaters and tights and dresses. Does anyone else wonder if that has to do with what Ms Paltrow named her daughter?

The other day I tried to connect my camera to the computer to download some photos and I noticed that nothing was happening. I was using the card reader, so I had the memory card from the camera plugged into this little thingie that reads the card directly to save on the camera batteries. (Why can’t I part with the money for rechargeable batteries??? I am sure I’ve already spent more on single use ones — which we do put in the special recycling bag from our little town — than it would cost to invest in a set. I’m letting myself get nickled and dimed.) Anyway, back to the point; the card reader made a smacking “pop,” followed by that unmistakeable electrical fire smell. Yikes!! I made John get the fire extinguisher while I unplugged and sniffed around like a basset hound to see if things were getting out of hand. It was a little worrying, to say the least. Turns out all that happened was that the usb port fried itself. I don’t know if it was the card reader or the machine itself, but we are down a port, Scotty.

DayglobabybottomDontiwish I have finally made our house disposable diaper free. Yay! Now when I go to check on Willow during her nap to see a) that she’s alright, and, b) her cute bottom sticking up in the air, I feel much happier. I’m washing them myself, which is a first since I always used the wonderful Tiny Tots. It’s not hard to wash them. At least not yet. When the diapers that I bought from my gracious friend in New York arrive, I won’t feel like the washer is going 24/7. I only have four now, with some extra inserts, but will soon have 22. Then when I can afford it, I’m going to get one or two of the striped diapers from here. Damn you, Veggiemama for making me lust after cloth diapers!!

Yesterday while Willow napped in the buff, I washed all her diapers. When she woke up none of them were dry, so I sat her on the little potty to see what she’d do. She didn’t pee, but she sat and looked at books. Today between bath time and diapering, she went and sat down and picked up a book all on her own. So you know I’ll get the diaper set up going and then, joy oh joy!! she’ll figure out the potty. Nah, she’s too young still.

Today I got some purty flowers to put in a little pot by the front door and also some dirt to dig into the front yard so I can put some plants by the fence where the grass is dead. Of course, I had help.


3 thoughts on “Thanks

  1. deb

    Bwahahaha! My plan is working! I LOVE the Muttaquin diapers. So incredibly soft, with the velour interior. I haven’t actually used mine yet ’cause I’m still stuck using disposables with Alec while my pregnancy nausea holds on. If I can’t ever use it with him it’ll just have to wait for the new baby ’cause it’ll fit from 8-35 pounds. Awesome!

  2. jenny r

    I’m trying to be done with disposible diapers, too. All the cloth ones I have are hand-me-down, thank goodness for swaps. Just not sure what to do at night.

  3. Jenjen

    I bought a used fleece diaper on ebay made by snoogiesnaps (, and it works well at night. It has a snap in liner plus a doubler that fits inside that. I know you could make something similar. But, Willow is older and sometimes even wakes up dry. Good luck!


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